Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The article "Suspected Drunken Driver Injures Denver Cop" by Howard Pankratz, tells the story of a suspected drunken driver who plowed there way a DUI check on Sunday night. The officer had pulled over a car to preform a sobriety test when he noticed a speeding silver car. The failed to stop and came right at the officer and the citizen who was preforming the test. The officer pushed the citizens out of the way while trying to avoid being hit. The citizen was not hit but the car collided with the police car, the citizens car and injured the officers leg. The officer was taken to the hospital and was later released. This story matters because there are hundreds of accidents a year that are caused by drunk driving. Communities everywhere are cracking down on drunk drivers in order to protect there citizens. Programs like Alive At 25 also teach students about drunk driving and the dangers in doing it. Although this is not a world problem yet, it is definitely a nation wide problem that needs to be fixed. This is an easy problem to fix because the solution is responsible adults. This situation was a miracle thanks to the heroic actions of the officer. Next time it might not turn out so fortunate


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